Craft Inventory App

Optimize handmade inventory! Easy categorization, search, photo upload & storage.

Screen shots

Features of this diary application

The CraftInventory app is designed to streamline the inventory management of your handmade creations, making it the perfect handmade inventory management tool for artisans and makers. Easily register photos and detailed information, and organize items by category using our maker inventory organizer feature. Utilize the filtering function to search for items based on various criteria in your creative business inventory.

  • Category sorting

    Organize your creations by category for easy searching with our craft inventory app.

  • Photo registration

    Effortlessly select and register photos from your smartphone gallery using our artisan inventory software.

  • Detailed information registration

    Record information such as item name, concept, notes, and category with our handmade stock control features.

  • Filtering function

    Search items by name, concept, notes, category, and availability (sold out/in stock) using our handcraft inventory tracking system.

  • Data storage

    Data is securely stored on your smartphone, with no external storage needed.

  • Dark mode support

    Enable dark mode for a more comfortable, eye-friendly display using our handmade item management app.

  • Ad display

    This free app includes advertisements.

Use this app to make managing your handmade inventory more seamless, allowing you to dedicate more time to creating your artwork with the help of our creative business inventory tool.